The Ministry of Climate and Environment (KLD) wanted to hold an event in Oslo in connection with Climate and Environment Minister Sveinung Rotevatn's appointment as president of the UN Environment Assembly. The purpose was to plan the fifth environmental assembly, and discuss possible solutions and measures for nature together with civil society.
From physical conference to a fully digital universe
Our partner Gambit H+K initially proposed holding the conference at The Hub in Oslo, but due to the coronavirus, other solutions had to be found. Together with KLD, it was decided to make the entire event digital, and created a virtual universe where participants from all over the world could log in, chat with each other and answer simple polls related to the themes of the conference. The wish was to make this digital universe as interactive as possible, and therefore Tappin was chosen as supplier of the digital surface.
Speakers, moderators and themes for the events were planned together with UNEA and FORUM.

Act #ForNature
From 7 to 10 June, we carried out Act #ForNature, a fully digital virtual meeting place with its main base in Oslo. Gambit H+K planned the event, Tappin prepared the digital platform, designed materials, marketed and executed a total of six events.
By running the conference digitally, businesses, activists, members of government, organizations and academia from all over the world could be hooked regardless of location and infection control considerations. This resulted in an interesting program that appealed to the target group.

Contributors from around the world
In total, 67 speakers and eight moderators contributed from all the world's continents. The digital conference was produced from Oslo Streaming Senter, and a pop-up studio in the UN building in Nairobi. In addition to these "hubs", speakers from several different places in the world were also connected directly to the platform.
The platform was wrapped in the profile of the concept and the environmental assembly. The profile was also integrated physically in the studio and in all marketing. Gambit H+K produced logos, colors, fonts, images, illustrations, icons and other profile elements.
Gambit H+K also produced jingles, an intro film, countdown, animations for all screens in the studio, transitions and a common template for Keynotes. The graphic packaging ensured a clear visual identity in all parts of the event, from advertisements in social media to registration.
2040 participants
The event created great excitement internally at KLD and UNEP. In addition, we received a very good response from participants and the public. There were 2,847 participants who registered, 2,040 participants who logged in to the platform, and 604 comments and questions to speakers were received. During the four days, we gathered participants from a total of 124 different countries.
In total, over 20 different sessions were held during the conference, from larger Townhalls with several thousand participants on the platform to smaller interactive meetings.