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Tappin with delivery to Military Women's Network

    Tappin AS, in collaboration with Militært Kvinnelig Nettverk (MKN), has delivered a seamless experience during their annual seminar at Akershus Fortress. The theme of the event was "Dare to be a Woman", and focused on identity, culture, the "24-hour human being" and diversity. This seminar marked an important step forward in the Norwegian Armed Forces' work with equality and career policy. Tappin's Role in… Read More »Tappin with delivery to Military Women's Network

    Elkjøp Campus: A seamless digital experience with Tappin

      Elkjøp Campus is more than just an event; it is an investment in human resources and an experience designed to enrich skills, enhance competence and promote personal and professional growth. Elkjøp Campus, a four-week event, is a concrete demonstration of this investment.