When Kulturytring was to be held for the very first time in the summer of 2021, the organizers had a challenging starting point with an imminent pandemic to deal with. The solution was a hybrid arrangement, and Tappin supplied the technical platform.
Kaia Brænne i Norwegian Cultural Forum (NOKU) noticed early on that Tappin understood what it meant to arrange a hybrid event, where the participants were both physically and digitally present:
- These are very professional people, who can also be a good dialogue partner in planning, so make that phone call early, she says about the collaboration with Tappin in the run-up to Kulturytring 2021.
And this is precisely where she believes Tappin excels: a flexible and experience-based approach to your particular event. Cultural expression 2021 consisted of six stages with parallel events over three days. A logistical challenge for both organizers and participants, one might think, but with Tappin's solutions it was just as well a clear and orderly event overall.

- When you have such a large event, with so many parallel sessions, you have a different expectation as an audience. Being able to go to the hotel afterwards and see the lecture you missed because you were in something else, that all the communication comes from the same place, and that it is easy to find out where to go to get the lecture physically, says Kaia, before adding that Tappin's digital tools also enhance the experience as a physical audience. More on that later.
Engages both physical and digital participants
Janette Haukland from The Sponsor and Event Association agrees with Kaia, and believes that the challenge with hybrid events is to engage both those who participate physically and those who participate digitally. And this is exactly where she believes Tappin delivers the ideal solution:
- We greatly appreciate the expertise that Tappin brings to our digital and hybrid events, and all the functionality that comes with it. This means that we can engage those watching to a much, much greater extent, both before and during the events, Janette says.
Among other things, she mentions functions such as putting together group rooms, meeting booking and chat functions. In addition, Tappin offers solutions for registering participants, navigating events, surveys and much, much more.

Tappin's mobile solution means that physical audiences can also make use of the digital tools. This makes it possible to interact with the event regardless of how you participate. For the audience present, this means both bag and sack - the best of presence and digital participation at the same time. Or as Kaia puts it:
- There is also a hybrid way of being an audience.
Good technical solutions lower the threshold for participation
Participants at Kulturytring, and other events that use Tappin's solutions, need not be afraid of missing out - no matter how they participate. We believe this is the future way of holding events. There may be various reasons why some prefer to participate physically, and others digitally. With a hybrid event, you meet both target groups, and thus a potentially much wider audience.
By choosing Tappin's safe and simple solution, you also give your participants a good decision-making basis for choosing how they want to participate. By offering full-fledged solutions for both physical and digital participants, you also incentivize them to make sustainable choices. Because it may not be necessary to fly round trip on the same day to attend a physical seminar if the digital solution provides the same experience?

Whether it's a pandemic, a hectic everyday life or travel expenses: Tappin offers a real alternative to those who don't have the opportunity to attend physically. At the same time, we are concerned that the event should be experienced as complete and well thought out for those present. Tappin makes no compromises in this area – it should be fun to participate wherever you are!
Cultural expression 2021 was a hybrid success
In Kulturytring's event report, one can read, among other things, that Tappin delivered the event's digital platform via our web solution, where the program was streamed continuously, and the program entries were also available after the event ended. Tappin was present in Drammen during the entire event, and ensured smooth registration of participants, as well as error-free transmission of live streams to the digital platform. You can read the entire report from Cultural Expression 2021 here

About the collaboration with Tappin during Kulturyytring, Kaia says the following:
- I think the most important thing for us is that we work with someone who is flexible, who understands the cultural field, and who can take part in the round it takes to put together such an event. And find out how best to solve it. So there it is hybrid, and the collaboration with Tappin, hugely important.
Are you going to create an event, and wonder which solutions to choose? Contact us for a non-binding chat or a cup of coffee, then we will find the best solutions for you - together.