Engaged participants equals success, but how can you as an organizer engage your participants and at the same time transfer the knowledge and information you want?
The answer is to take advantage of the opportunities available with opinion polls, quizzes and puzzles.
Engagement among the participants is what we are all looking for when we organize a conference, congress or have an internal kick off. Engagement means that your message "sits" with the participant.

There are many ways to engage – a good speaker, dialogue and a number of other methods. With Tappin, you can create engagement in several ways, and here we will look at some of them in the form of polls, questions from the hall to the stage, quizzes and rebuses.
Opinion polls
There can be many reasons to run a poll or several before, during or after your event. Opinion polls can be used for everything from simple and entertaining surveys to measuring the participants' opinion on a topic, regardless of whether they participate physically or digitally.
With Tappin, you can show the results directly on the big screen or embed them in the broadcast to the digital participants.
Questions from the hall to the stage
Many of us have been to conferences where questions or input from the audience is encouraged. Often the result is that some very committed people take the floor, while many are reluctant to ask questions in plenary. In addition, digital participants will not be heard if technology is not used to help participants get involved.

With Tappin, this can be easily solved by setting up a "Questions from hall to stage" function. With this function, participants will be able to easily submit their questions directly from the event's own web app. As a moderator, the questions will come up automatically on a smart tablet, mobile phone or PC/Mac. Here, the moderator can select and show a question on the big screen or in the digital broadcast.
This form of interactivity is perfectly suited to panel debates or other types of lectures where you want feedback and/or questions from the audience.
Quizzes and surveys
With the Quiz module in Tappin you can create short or long quizzes. Here you can combine multiple choice questions with free text questions.
The Quiz module can be used both to arrange simple entertainment quizzes, to carry out surveys or to check the knowledge of the participant. Here, only the imagination sets the limits.

Activate your employees or participants by sending them out on a little puzzle. By setting up a rebus in Tappin, you can guide your participants around e.g. inside the hotel, out in the city or in other ways. Give them questions and/or tasks in different places and let them work in groups to create better dynamics.